
A couple of years ago I had the unenviable task of sorting out the personal effects of a loved one. Among these was an old tin. Inside the tin were six letters dated from the 1950’s. Intrigued that they had been preserved in such a way, I put them in date order by their postmark and read them. The words touched me deeply.

Within these few precious papers were the shared dreams and passions of two newly wed people. More than this though, they were an exchange of joint aspirations clearly defining a joint future. It was as if these two people existed for each other – two souls locked into one perceived destiny.

When I folded the last letter and replaced it back into its envelope, I felt sad for them. For in opening this time capsule I was privileged to share what they had seen as their future, feel their passion and commitment to each other. However, I knew what actually happened in their lives: their dreams would not be fulfilled, illness would steal them away and ultimately lead to their early separation.

Yet, knowing both well, neither would have been bitter or want me to feel that way. Life is unpredictable and we all need to dream, but we cannot dictate to nature what will happen.

Stolen Treasure is not based on these people, nor set in the same era, and neither is it a reflection of their lives, but I wanted to write a story that was based upon the theme of soulmates as a simple tribute to a couple who actually existed.

Stolen Treasure is available on,, or Smashwords!

The World of Valerie Holmes

“…dread of wandering mariner, where often, alas, the proud vessel hath floundered against thy iron ribs, or perished on they cruel rocks!” –W Braithwaite in his “Rural Reminiscences”.

Love is a timeless essential of life. Throughout history, love in all its forms is a constant: be it passionate, caring, needy, manipulative, possessive or one that is strong enough to cross barriers of culture or faith. When two souls meet in a situation which takes them out of their normal social strata or into a shared danger, a relationship forms as the adventure unfolds.

The historical romances are based in the early nineteenth century, set against dramatic social change at a time of war with France. Smuggling, espionage, press-gangs all add to the drama that the hero and heroine can face.

Created to be entertaining reads that pass away a few hours lost to the thrill of an adventure, the core of my work is based around the same area of North Yorkshire. My world features the rugged headland of Stangcliff, the old inn sheltered in the bay of Ebton below and Gorebeck, the fictitious market town on the edge of the moors, marking a major crossroads for travellers to Newcastle, Harrogate, Whitby, and York.